




Figure 28. An area of atypical proliferating cells in a thyroid which had developed multiple discrete benign adenomas. H. and E.stain; x 49.

Figure 26. Section of thyroid showing 2 benign papillary
adenomas. H. and E.stain; x 9.8.

Figure 29. Follicular carcinoma ofthe thyroid showing
capsular invasion in a 41-year-old women exposedto fallout. This represented a discrete mass, as shown in Figure
24. There was no lymph node metastasis. H. and E.stain;




«a thyroid with benign lesions. Lack of grains (supertm-

Figure 25. Autoradiographofsection through a nodule of



posed blackening) shows that adenoma in center is nonfunctioning. H. and E.stain; X9.8.


Figure 27. Multiple clusters of what appearto be atypical

x 18.2.


Figure 30. Papillary carcinoma demonstrating extensive

proliferating cells in a thyroid which containsseveral large

connective tissue invasion within the lobe. This patient

Hand Lo stain, cx bd.

stain: x 46.4,

discrete adenomas. The lesions were considered benign.

had multiple cervical lymph node metastases. H. and E.

Select target paragraph3