to record the pertinent data on all personnel involved in


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the cleanup and, for those working with radioactive materials,
to record all exposures.
The data base includes a record
of operational activities, the type of work being done,
location, air sampler readings, radiation Survey readings,
personnel dosimetry and urine sample results.
These records
will be stored permanently, and a computer-based ready- retrieval
system is being developed.


Other permanent records are being kept as well.
to arriving on the Atoll individuals undergo pre-deployment
physical examinations which pay special attention to past
history of exposure to ionizing radiation and baseline blood
The results are entered in individual permanent medical records.
The monthly film badges from Enewetak
are processed by Lexington Blue Grass Army Depot Activity,
which maintains its own permanent record of the results,

and sends a copy to the Joint Task Group Radiological Pro- ‘795

tection Officer for entry in individual medical records.~—'_..
Thus any exposure received by an individual while on the
Atoll will be entered in his own medical record as well
as into the DNA central data base.
Should exposures warrant,
whether recorded by dosimetry or shown by bioassay results,

follow-up examinations and tests will be instituted.
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In summary, we are providing every possiblé) protection
to personnel engaged in work with radioactive materials.
The protection is so extensive that audit and inspection
teams have repeatedly advised that the measures are overly
protective, considering the hazard involved, and should
be reduced.
We are providing what is probably the most
complete record system ever established for any operation
involving radioactive materials.
It has been, and will

continue to be, our objective to insure that personnel

exposures to radiation are limited to the lowest levels
practicable, and that safety of personnel is the overriding
priority in the operation.
On behalf of

the Secretary of Defense, and all of us

involved in the cleanup project, I would like to express
appreciation for your interest and concern over the health

and safety aspects of this difficult but most important

I stand ready to brief you or your staff, or to
provide any additional information desired.

19 Enclosures
See attached listing






S010922 © G

R. R. MONROE Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy
Director ~



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