As far aS exposure to external gamma radiation is con-





shown that exposures should

not exceed 60-70 millirem per month.
To date, in the hundreds
of film badge readings taken, only 44 positive values have
been recorded,

with the

highest being 70 millirem,

and only

4 (70, 70, 50, 42 millirem) exceeding 10% of the permissible
monthly exposure of 416 millirem.
As far as internal exposures, our intensive measurement
Program has shown no evidence of any intake whatsoever.
In the thousands of hours of air sampler operation, no airborne radioactivity above background has been detected.

No indication of internal exposure has been detected in

analysis of face mask filters, and bioassay urine samples
on departing workers with a potential for exposure have.
all been negative.
In regard to your suggestion that the Services might
want to consider using only volunteers in the cleanup work,
this is being done insofar as practicable.
Except for a
few of the DoD personnel (such as the Joint Task Group headquarters),


to the Atoll

is for

a 150- to 170-

Gay temporary duty period.
The few exceptions are assigned
for a one-year tour.
Each Service handles its personnel
assignment slightly differently, but in each case, every
effort is made to obtain volunteers.
Quite obviously it

would be impossible to man such an effort with the requisite

skills, over the nearly three-year life of the project solely
with volunteers.
To date many, though certainly not all,
of the personnel engaged have been volunteers.
The participants are fully apprised of the known and
potential radiological risks involved in the operation.
Upon arrival,

all personnel receive an

initial orientation

covering the operation and the potential hazards, not only
radioactive, but also sunburn, coral, fish and others.
Those who are to be engaged in cleanup of radioactive materials
undergo additional training covering operations in a controlled area and the risks expected.
Further, each Service

conducts its operations under close leadership and supervision, and in accordance with the pertinent directives,
regulations, and standard operating procedures.

As regards permanent records, DNA has established a


central computerized data base at Field Command in Albuquerque




Select target paragraph3