
Safecv Studies and Development of Operational Guidelines
Marsnall Islands Radiclogical Safety Program
RW-O3 26a)
Teennical Progress in FY 1975 anc Transition Serice: (Cont eC.)


cSunme-Juiv 1973 in which BNL sarciciseacec,

Data Irom botn these surveys areé

currently being usec to refine cose anc dose commitment precicctions for re”

turming Sixini resicents.

BNL ecllaborated with the University of Wasnington LRE in a regional
radiological dackzround study in Micronesia, November-December 1975,
from this study will be used as a reference dase against whicn radiological
data frem the nertnern Marshall Islands can be compared,
The first routine followup study for Bikini and Eneu is scheduled for
April 1976. This survey will include detailed radiological protiles of the

Nam-sokata complex cf islands which are the next areas scheduled for azricuitural cevelopmen: in the Bikini atoll master plan.

Expected xesuits

in FY 1977:

Ground survev support will be previded for a plannec interagency aerial

radiological survey cf all previousi+ unsurveyed atolls in tne northern

Marshall Islands wnica may nave received Local fallouz from tne U.S. atmesshevic nuclear tests.
Znewetak will be visited ty the sregram orincisals in order <tc establish
@ routine environmental monitoring orcegram for that acell.


Expectec Results

in FY


Continuec technical suppors will be srovidced by BNL for the ERDA-tunded
Paciiic Basin racislogical program cr she University of Wasnington LRE.


Deseriscion and

Explanation o


Continuation of programs described in FY 1977.
Maier Materials, Ecuioment anc Suoconttact



Caoital Equiomenct Fiscal Year 1977:
Additional zemory and an x-y plotter ($9,000)

for the Ge(Li)


system is needed to improve sample analyses and data processing capabilities
on large numbers of envirommental samples collected during Sield surveys.

Peripheral electronics ($6,000) for a chin intrinsic germanium detector
array is needed to process soil samples for neavy elements.
Capital Fauiomenrc Fiscal Year 1978:

In FY 1973 a standard compatible magnetic tape unit ($7,209) wiil be
neaded fst data starage, which will enable che sciencitic starts to ctansler

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