roiect Tithe:

Safety Studies anc Developmence of Cpoerational Guidelines

Marshall Islands Radiclogical Safecy Program


A. amd McCraw, T. F. Marsnall islands Radiological
vimcn Midvear Tepical Svmvesium. Coerational Sealsn 2:






oo be CATSON, Io., De. Pete’, Healsn Pavsics Seocretr,
al Roc«y Mouncain Chaocter, Boulder, Colorade, 1976,

A comprehensive and continuing radiological safety orogram is reauired
for the Bikini and Enewetak people who cesire to reinnabit their nome atolls.
The program includes analyses of external radiation levels, soil and ground

water contamination leveis,

and radioactivity in terrestrial and marine biota

woich comorise the human food chain. From these data, both external and incernal doses and dose commitments will be made.
In addition, projections of
Suture tadiological conditions will be postulated in order to provide approoriate guidance on srojected iand use and living patterns.

Earlier dose as-

sessments will be revised and updaced, and dosimetry medels will be refined to
rellect actual trends as detertined from the monitoring program.


Prejecce personnel will provide a resource of expertise for establishment
er independent review of radiation protection programs associated with cleanup
anc renadilitation efforzts in the northern Marsnall Islands,

and for related

nealtn physics interests of che Division of Cpoerational Safercv.



Field operations will be closely coupled «..2h those of Brookhaven Medical
Survey in the Marshall Islands, and Radiological Safety Program personnel will
de of direct assistance to the Medical Survey whole body counting activities.
Ancillary environmencal radiclogical assessments will be made at Rongelap and
Veirik acolls on an alternate vear sasis,


to Other Orsiects:

a) Surveys will be made in close conjunction with the 3NL Medical Survey

Team, Assistance will be given to their effort. The annual survey would be
conducted during their visits to the Islands. 6b) Continued collaboracion wita
the University of Washington, Laboratory for Radiation Ecology (LRE) is antic-~ipated on Division of Operational Safety environmental programs in the Pacific
basin. c¢) Extensive use will be mada of orior survey data. Consultations
will be held with other participating agencies in developing the bases for the
survey rtequiremencs.

Technical Progress in TY 1976 and Transition Period:

A major survey was conducted at Bikini and Eneu [slands in February 1975
in response to Department of the Incerior's request for guicance on the siting

of the second increment of housing construction at Bikini.

This survev ve-

vealed unacceptable radiation levels at most of the proposed sites,


alternate sites, and laid the groundwork for a larger multiagency survey in
(See Continuation Sheer)




Select target paragraph3