In January 1980,

Naidu, Greenhouse,

information on diet and Living patterns

from literature,

Craighead and “nizhe

for the ‘farsnailese.

The data was de-

from personnel observations through Living with the

“Marshallese for periods extending from nonths to vears, from answers ta
questionnaires and

from direct participation in their activities.

It was re-

cognized at that time that the study needed to be extended in order to identify trends

in local food consumption and living patterns.

During Maren 1980, ac the request of MeCraw of the Department of Caergv's Division of Health and Environmental Research,

Lessard and ‘tiltenberger

identified individual Bikinians who exceeded the recommended 500 mRem per year
limit to the whole body and red bone marrow.

They also explained the dis-

continuity which appeared in the S$r-90 estimated body burden between residence
and post residence periods

for Bikini adult

females and Bikini youths.


ditionally, they evaluated LLL's calculations relating body burden, dose

equivalent and activity ingestion rate.
In March, Public Law 96-205 was enacted whicn authorized the Secretary

of the Interior to provide for certain people medical care and treatment and
environmental research and monitoring for any injury,

illness or condition

which may be the result directly or indirectly of the Pacific Nuclear Neapon

Testing Program.

The Secretary of Energy was authorized to assume all costs

associated with the development and implementation of the program.

Uater that

veat, at the request of Robison of LLL, Lessard and Greenhouse related to hin

an outline of MIRSP and RUDR program history and costs.
upon this information in order to set

Robison would draw

forth a general plan for the periodic

comprehensive survey and analyses of the radiological status of the atolls,


Select target paragraph3