urine samples from persons 5 years of age and older.

At Jjelang, ron-

participants of the whole-body counting program were invited to provide urine

Approximately 400 urine samples were collected and are curently

being spectrometrically analyzed for gamma emitters and radiochemically anal-zed

for Sr-90.


participants provided physical

and demo-

graonic data.
As previously mentioned, whole-body counting was conducted with two
independent chair counting systems

in which a sodium iodide detector was posi-

tioned in front of a sitting person.

This geometry allowed safe entry and

egress with comparable sensitivity relative to the bed geometry used in prior
field trips.

Approximately 400 spectra were obtained

in this way and analyzed

for Cs-137 and X-40 using calibration standards which best matched the sex,
height and weight of the individual.

Additional analyses were performed to

determine frequency distribution statistics
of the data.

for various age and sex groupings

Quality assurance was obtained by duplicate whole-body counts

and repetitive point-source standard counts.
During January and February 1980, Lessard undertook retrospective assessment of chronic external and internal dose equivalents to the residents of
Rongelap and Utirik. The dose interval assessed was after they returned home
following the BRAVO test and evacuation and prior to January 1,



sard, Miltenberger and Greenhouse also completed the Sr-90 and Cs-137 dose
equivalent-commitment estimates for former residents of Bikini Atoll.


ditionally they determined dietary radioactivity intake for Cs-137 in the
Bikini population and compiled whole-body counting results for the years 1974
to 1979.

These Bikini related works were prepared as 3 primary scientific



Select target paragraph3