Peatetz Title


sumvelllance of Facilizzes

and Sites

marsnal. ls.ancs Radiological Satecy Orogram



Ceriniution of the annual contributions to dose via the
inhalation pathway at 3ikin:, Romgelap, and Yeirik, Spsecial
empnasis will be placed on sonmctinuous air sampling for windmediated resuspension of radionuciides in lLacal soils; and
on special measurements 9 celine aerosol cometribucicns resulting from Auman activity.


4. Development of radislogical cose sredictive nodels which
involve Sotn Auman anc anvircnmencal nonitering data.
(2) Seoolement 22 200 “ers Summary:
The FY 1979 sudget requesc contains
a significant increase over tne iv 19738 allocation. This increase reflects a
realistic assessment 22 coerating :oscs imposed Sv the in vivo counting, bioassay, anc air monitoring activities segun in FY 1978. additionally, field

trip activities and anaivtical laccratory sarvices have substancially exceeded
Original ¢stinates far the basic rediolsgical safety srogran, and these coscs
are expected 29 continue,
Finalls, thers are a number of serisneral srograms
Of mutual interest £5
TES -:nicna will se cesc-eflactive if included
WLInA ine sasic efforts, a
These incluce in
er miccting.

Qrcer of importanca:

Cerinicion ¢f isca, ciat tazttamms ac 411 ataiis of incereasc,

and continuous monitoring cf 21ats

tearm irends waich aignt

Iar seasonal changes anc


impact sn realistic dose oracictians.

[Incorporation of puodiic informacion and education oroegrams
into the tocal SNL efftorc <o tinimize tne adverse sasychological

and sociological impacts of local radiological conditions and

OZ our efisrts to understand then.

Retrospective assassment of che racziological picture in the
Merthern Marsnalls sarior so the establismmenc of tne SNL srogram in FY 1975.
4, Continued collaboration with UW/LRE on OES radiological

Relacionsnis i5 cther


This program will be logistically coupled wherever possible to ne 3NL
Medical Program in the Marsnall Islands. Technical collaboration will continue om matters of mutual interest. The radiclogical safety program will also
bear directly on a retrospective reassessmenc or thyroid and whole dodv doses
ta the SRAVO fallout victims ae Rongelap and Utirik, a new program for whica
funding is expecced in FY 1978. The program will also interact cooperatively
with related efforcs ac the Universicy of Nasnhingcon (L2£) amd at Lawrence
Livermore Laboratory,
(See Continuacion Sheez}

Sue f17

Select target paragraph3