

Descase Tista-





Marsnal! rslands Radiological Safety Grszram ix-71-21-i2-

Greennouse, NY. A. and “Miltanbderger, 2. 2.
Radiological analvses of
Marsnall Islands envircnmenztal sampies Irom 1974 cthrougn 1976,
S1L Resort
(in press).



Greennouse, N. A. and Milcencerzger, 2. 2.
Extemal radiation survey
and dose predictions for Rongelap, Vtirix, Rongerik, siluk, and wotje Atolls.
3NL Repore
(in press).

200 werd Summaz*r:
A comorenensive radiological satiety oregran will
te manntained for the innaoitancs of acolls in the northern Marsnall Islands
contaminated as a resulz of tne
7.5. Bacific Testing programs. The foilowing
teamsand services will 3e arov
iInvironmencal and versonnel sonitoring to srovide data for
ENL dose assessments anc cetarminacion of radiological crends.

indivi dual and pooulacisn cosimetry based on actual neasure-


Th ese

carta wil

used to modify dose commitment >ore-

aiertive models 530 inact they accurately

reflece fucure ‘trends.

Suggestions oased cn field experience to mitigate doses
via che more critical natnways.
4, aA flexible resource of radiological expertise to independently
review radiation sreCection srograms associated with renabilitation efforts in the northern Marshalls, and for relaced teaiczh
mnysics interescs of CES in the Pacific 3asin.
Program activities fer the coming

fiscal year will empnasize the Iollow-

Ll. Ia vivo counting of 3ixini and Enewetax vesidents. These
afforcsWill define 3aseline body burdens of gamma-emiczing
nuclides for new residents ac beth atolls, and will periscically assess changes in 30dy ourdens over time
wnica mizgnt
result from various exposure pathways.


Urine bioassay to define radionuclide excretion satterns

Srom individuals,

nuclide burdens.

and to estimate

Sr and transuranic

(See Continuation Sheer)

Sad-1 1b (

Select target paragraph3