cited as DOE, "Announced Nuclear Tests"); Dean, "Energy History
Chronology," Institutional Origins, pp. 24-25.


Anders, "Office of Military Application," Institutional Origins, p.
7; Jacobson and Stein, Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians, pp.


The Vela programs are briefly described in Jacobson and Stein,
Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians, p. 178.


Hewlett, "Nuclear Weapon Testing,"

Panel of Experts, pp. 73-74;

United States Atomic Energy Commission, Annual Report, 1962
(Washington, 1963), pp. 233-234, (hereafter the annual reports are
cited as AEC, Annual Report).


ABC, Annual Report, 1961, pp. 210-211; AEC, Annual Report, 1962,
pp. 241 and 147-49; Anders, "Office of Military Application,"
Institutional Origins, pp. 9-10.

47. ‘Jacobsen and Stein discuss the impact of the crisis on negotiations
in Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians, pp. 423-424.


Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:

Lyndon B.

Johnson, 1963-1964, Book I (Washington, 1965), p. 117; AEC, Annual

Report, 1963, pp. 46-47.


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