Institutional Origins, p. 4; Hewlett, "Nuclear Weapon Testing,"
Panel of Experts, p. 49.


President Eisenhower made the statement about the destruction of

_ civilization in his famous Atoms-For-Peace speech.
Papers of the Presidents of the United States:

See: Public

Dwight D.

Eisenhower, 1953 (Washington, 1960), p. 817; Voss, Test-Ban Trap,
pp. 59-66, 69, 93-94, and 101.


Harold K. Jacobson and Eric Stein, Diplomats, Scientists, and

Politicians: The United States and the Nuclear Test Ban
Negotiations (Ann Arbor, 1966), pp. 16-18, 21 and 24, (hereafter
cited as Jacobson and Stein, Diplomats, Scientists, and


Hewlett, "Nuclear Weapon Testing," Panel of Experts,

Pp. 66-67; Voss, Test-Ban Trap, pp. 84-91, 93-105, and 114-120.


Lewis Strauss to President Eisenhower, December 21, 1956; U. S.

Atemic Energy Commission ' “Major Activities in Atomic Energy
Programs, July-December, 1957 (Washington, 1958), pp. 274-75.


Jacobson and Stein, Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians, pp.

45-52, 67-80, and 89-90, <—--- =
Hewlett, "Nuclear Weapon Testing," Panel of Experts, po. 68-69; U.
S. Department of Energy "Announced United States Nuclear Tests,
July 1945 Through December 1979," NVO-209, pp. 10~13,




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