
Simultaneously the Korean War had made the Enewetak proving

grounds rather vulunerable in addition to being very expensive in tems
of military resources.

Two days after he declared the national emer-

gency, President Truman approved the Commission's recommendation to
establish a continental proving ground at the Las Vegas bombing and
gunnery range in Nevada.

One of the chief advantages of the Las Vegas

site was that using it posed fewer radiological hazards to Americans
than any of the other sites considered.

Due to the Korean emergency the

Commission began planning its first continental test series on December
20, 1950, and conducted the first test explosion a little over a month

The test series, called operation Ranger, eventually consisted

of six test shots, all of them of relatively small yields, and provided
important data for fission weapons and for the thermonuclear program

tests scheduled for the Pacific in April.?*
Quickening the Pace of Testing

Meanwhile, the hycrogen banb program was floundering. Calculations
by Los Alamos mathematician Stanislaw Ulam demonstrated that a proposed
design for the hydrogen barb would not ignite a fusion reaction.

A few

weeks later Ulam suggested a new approach and by April Edward Teller had










experiment in the spring test series confirmed that Teller was on the
right track. 15
The spring test series,

called Greenhouse, was conducted in the

Pacific in April and May 1951.
principles for fission weapons,

‘The series was designed to test design
and because of Teller's recent idea,


would be an important milestone in the development of thermonuclear

Select target paragraph3