tle ay Dt MO A

Shot 2 was of such a low level compared to existing background that fall~
out stations on Oboe, Dog, ond Peter did not obtain good records.

Shot 3.

No initial-gamma rats data were obtained because of

the unexpectedlow yield of Shot 3. Fallout Station 220.12 on Dog provided a good record (sse Figure 3.3). Faliout atarted to build up atout
20 minutes after the detonation and reached a maximum of 24 rfhr. Inte~
grated axposure was 51 r in the first 15 hours.
1.28 for tha pariod H+ 1 to H + 12 hours.

The dacay exponent waa

3.1.4 Shot4. Figure 3.4 (Station 220.12 on Dog) shows that the

initial-gausna rate first dropped in cagnituds, then increased slowly froma
0.4 to about 1.2 saconds, and than increased relatively rapidly to a value

of 7.2 x 10° r/hr, approximately the sams 4a tha original rate at tine of

datonations. The slow incroazs appears to be tha combined result of th» expansion of the fireball and tha approach of the shock front toward the
datector station. The rapid incivass waa caused by the passage of the
shock front through the detector atation.
Figure 3.5 (Station 220.06 on Fox) shows the same phrnowena as Figure 3.4. Tho expanding fireball and tha spproach of the shock front cause
a slow fnerease in tho caozma rate from 0.7 to 4.48 seconds. Passage of

the shock front theough the detector station causes an abrupt Increase to

about 4.5 * 10' r/hr, after 7 saconds.

original rata at tins of cetonation.

This peak is about the sam as the

The record obtaingd frou Station 220.07 on George shows en initialgamma spike and ths arrival of the shock front 5.86 seconds later. How

ever, the ceflection was too szall to cermit the readout of a tim history
of the initial gacca. From Shot 4 data, tha average volocitiss of tha
shock Cront batwsen ground zaro and Dog, Fox, and George are computed to

ba about 5,100, 3,C00, and 2,600 ft/sec, respactively.

Facidusl-genua rate versus tim is plotted in Figuro 3.6 (Station

220.07 on Coorge). Fallont reached a poak valve of 620 r/hr, and the x7
cordsoxposute of the firat 10 hours after detonation was 1,237 r. Ourm-

ding tho pocacd U + 2 to H+ 6 mara, tno decay oxgosant vas 1.39, and froa

H+ 7 to. H* 10 hores it va3 1.61.

Tiuses Piguras rapresont th data en reads 00 sorrection for ulr dene
sity has bsen aida. The relative cir cansity for ths Castle events is 0.9.



3.2.1Intneratad Sroowr Pita “oycis TotalSxroreéa. The dosegos
obtaincsd cy Untegrating thy euvras of Vinjliea g.2 fd 366 nave bien come
paced to coface measurersnta mada by the ational Biresu of Standords

(235) tyre photographie deriratars on Project 2.1 at tha cata etstion

locations (Raferanco 8).

The recults ora #ucuerlzed in Table 3.2.


cause tho encra rates obtalnid aro valid at a oiffictent mriber of medium

distanea stations vem wsrsarr did nob axcend 10'r, it rey be aseumd
that tha results are also valid at closecin siations ware the total ex~

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