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5. Area of atypical proliferating cells in thyroid
which had developed multiple discrete benign adenomas
(hematoxylin-eosin stain, X70),


papillary and follicular type. All

showed invasion of the thyroid capsule and in two patients localized
metastases to lymph nodes were
present and in two other patients
blood vessel invasions were noted
(Fig 6 and 7). Benign adenomatous changes accompanied malignant changes in the glands. Total
thyroidectomies were performed in
three patients with malignancy, and

a left radical cervical lymph node
dissection was carried out in one
of these patients because spread to
lymph nodes was seen. The fourth
patient had a hemithyroidectomy.
No metastases have been recognized
beyond the cervical region in any

- patients.

Thyroid Functions; Correlation
With Retardation of Growth
in Children

In some children with thyroid
lesions, deficiency in serum thyroxine has been correlated with retardation of growth. The moststriking instances of hypothyroidism
were in two boys who showed
marked retardation of
growth and bone age. By 1964, they
had developed obvious atrophy of
the thyroid gland with almost complete loss of thyroid function as
evidenced bya failure of the thyroid
to take up much,if any, iodine even
after thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) stimulation. By this time
‘ there were low thyroxine and very

JAMA, Oct 12, 1970 © Vol 214, No 2


6. Follicular carcinoma of thyroid showing capsular
invasion in 35-year-old woman exposedto fallout. This
represented discrete mass as shown in Fig 4. No lymph
node metastasis (hematoxylin-eosin stain, X26).

high TSH levels in the blood. The
boys showed bony dysgenesis, sluggish Achilles tendon reflexes, puffy
faces, and dry skin. The patients’
response to thyroid hormone supplement as evidenced by growth
spurt, improved appearance,etc, has
been dramatic (Fig 8 and 9). Several other children who displayed
thyroid nodularity and whose statural growth was below average
showed low or low-normal serum
thyroxine values and poor radioactive iodine uptake after TSH
stimulation which indicated that
their thyroid glands were functionally impaired and were operating near their maximum capacity.
Functional deficiency of the thyThyroid Neoplasia—Conard et al

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