


3. Section of thyroid showing two benign papillary
adenomas (hematoxylin-eosin stain, X14).

Surgical Exploration of
Thyroid Nodules
Thyroid operations have been
performed at the following times:
three in 1964, three in 1965, five in
1966, three in


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1968, and five in

4, Multiple clusters of what appear to be
atypical proliferating cells in thyroid which
contains several large discrete adenomas. Lesions
were considered benign (hematoxylin-eosin stain, X20).

over the surface of the gland similar
to that which has been noted in
thyroids which had been treated
with large doses of '“'I for hyperthyroidism. Some of the recent patients had received small tracer
doses of radioactive iodine the day
before surgery so that the nodular

hemorrhagic or in many instances

tissue could be measured for radioactive content at the time of surgery. The discrete lesions in many
instances showed '*'I uptakes which
were different from the extra nodular tissue. Most of the discrete benign lesions showed less uptake
than the extra nodular surrounding
tissue (Fig 2). Measurement of
radioactive iodine in the malignant

there was increased fine vascularity

it was compared with the surround-

At surgery the gross appearance

of most of the thyroids were lobulated but in addition contained

discrete masses



The benign thyroid lesions exhibited multiple nodules varying in
size from a few millimeters to sev-

eral centimeters. They varied from
soft to firm in consistengy, and were
cystic. It was noted in some that

JAMA, Oct 12, 1970 @ Vol 214, No 2


tissue was found to be nil when

ing more normal tissue.
Microscopic examination of the
benign lesions revealed marked variation in size of follicles. The cells
of somefollicles appeared atrophic,
while others were hyperplastic,
which was reminiscent Of iodine
deficiency goiter (Fig 3). In addition to the gross adenomatous
masses in the 15 thyroids which
were classified as benign there were
multiple microscopic clusters of
what appeared to be atypical proliferating cells here and there in

the parenchyma of some of these
thyroids (Fig 4 and 5).
Microscopically the thyroid carcinomas were considered of lowgrade malignancy and varied in
structure from papillary to mixed
Thyroid Neoplasia—Conard et al


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