Tooas Oytne dailyMtake OT that toOd Item as reportea in MLSL Wiel Survey (diet survey is described in the report). The corresponding daily intakes were 95 fCi/d when imported foods are available and 311 fCi/d when imported foods are unavailable. These estimates do not include any intake of soil; they can be compared to the 5500 fCi/d which includes the intake of 1 g of soil per day. The 5500 fCi/d intake in the basis for most of the calculations | sent you previously. The annual dose equivalent at the end of 7 years is listed in Table 1 for bone marrow and endosteal cells. The total dose for bone marrow is 0.72 mrem/y for the conditions listed in the footnote. The dose for endosteal cells is 8.8 mrem/y. The integral listed for both 50 y and 57 y starting at the beginning of the 7 y period. The total dose for bone marrow for 50 y is 0.051 rem and for 57 y 0.058 rem; the corresponding doses to bone surface cells are 0.62 rem and 0.69 rem. An Equal Opportunity Employer * University of California * POB 5507 « Livermore, CA 94550 * Ph 415-422-8361 ° FTS 532-8361 « TWX 910-386-8339 * DOE LLNL LVMR