The basic instrumentation is scintillation counters with recording

instruments. Scoville says they are talking only of eemething like
12 channels, 12 stations, thinks they record with magnetic tape.
This is long-time work like Berkeley did on Ivy.


about coverage in distance?


there will be a maximm

£12 stations — not other atolls, but places in the atoll.

° ie at fall-out.

No good reason to be awfully close.

This is

Stibictures: conerete boxes, require holes in the ground but ill not
beivery close — therefore, not very complicated. OK, 12 conerete~
lined hetes. Maybe not as many as 12, they will have 2 of these on

the Likerty ships.

First estimate was 12 people, but Ogle points out that Berkeley did

this on Ivy with 2 people for stations on the shot atoll, 2 people for

off-atoll ingtrumentation. He suggests Scoville look into their system.
Two people handled 15 gadgets spread on several islands.

Scoville thinks thgy|will record for at least 12 hours.

Ogle mentions

we may well have the circumstance of appreciable activity at some of

the islands fron a/previous shot, will want to turn the instrument on
appreciably before the éhot in order to get a recording of the background, —
Someone should know of wy
samples back to the States.


This may be out completely.
with 2.2, if done.


This is a big program.

lem here of shipping these neutron
ently, they will share facilities


ensues about whether to do anything

on Exiwetok or not. Scoville t
8 not
logistic effort so much. Ogle points

also the meat likely to go off. They
(which Heidt told Campbell they could

want to concentrate on water stations.

because it increases the
_ is the biggest and

trunent the land stations
fase again) at Iniwetok. But they

- These are stations which are put out and let drift, outside the lagoon.

It will take a great deal of Task Force suppért..They go out to 50

miles and they are talicing of a total of 50 stati ¢tis (ineluding all

stations), so maybe 30 floating stations. Ten aphece, weighing about
1000 lbs, and probably have to be put out a day before the shot. (No,
Scoville reads his piece of paper, and says they are talking about 80

free-floating stations —- this was an old proposal and he) thinks the

mumber can probably be cut down after they knaw of thg Bikini situation.)
Scoville thinks these will be weighted to the west.
to work in 24 hours before the shot.



A 100-mile diameter

Select target paragraph3