fall-out did not fall where it was expected to). The RDB rated this

project very highly, and Ogle would agree with this.

Reh Radiochemical Analysis of Ground Contamination (Off-site Lab

i] 1) Studies) - (NADL, CRL)



(Uy This pertains to study of the samples fron 2.5. A great many
agencies will be interested in these results, and it was scovillets feeling
that the people who want the ultimate answer should anclyze the fall-out


ji\ |


Zarly/Ghoud Sampling Techniques

Scoville explained that this project had been put in as ea result
of discussions with Graves in Washington. The thought was that probobly in
the time available for Castle one could not develop a system which would be

the final one for cloud sampling, but that various approaches could be
investigated. He thought the primary requirement for this work would be fron

the two AEC laboratories (ASL and UCRL).
it is more minor:

The DOD does have on interest but

in orderito analyze the fall-out problem properly, they

need to know the distribu on of radioactivity throughout the cloud et about
the time the cloud become stab
zed. However, if the questions were
answered fron LATL's point of
w, this would satisfy the DOD requirement

as well.




Two groups have been =a look into it: the Chemical Corps
has contacted the Army guided mis
ople, and NRDL, the Navy missile
After discussion, it was deci

dropped from the DOD program, since it ig

that this

project should be

[primarily of interest to the people

who use the samples, and that LASL shouldbe charged with the responsibility
of carrying out investigations of this naturey——Hooper stated that LASL hes
already made plans for Castle sampling to Pati she requircnents of the

& Chemical Center, LASL, AFOAT, and UCL: thery
be one high-altitude
ples between 43,000 and 53,000
sample (up to 2 maximm of 55,000 ft), other
ft, to be collected with manned aircraft.

SJ€ is prepared to make 2 theoretical s
of this probl«m also
and, at our request, will investigate the possibility ofgiided missiles.


3.1 Loading and Damage to Structures - (OCS)

It is desired, if possible, to study the pressures-on’ the OCEts

multi-storied building om Engebi, the 3.1.1 structure of Greenhouse.


Select target paragraph3