
Gams Film Dosage Measurements ~ (=SL)
Gomna Tadiation Dose Rate va Time =< (ZSL)

It was agreed there is probably no point in making these

ndabyonents on the Berkeley bombs since they do not represent an operationally, significant situation. ‘Ccoville said it was his thought that
LASL wouhdi cover the very eerly interval, and they are not particularly

wae the high-speed radiation except to separate the two categories

(i. e., ad

cone quickly or as a result of fall out).

ifslik thought they

should be inkBkbsted in this so they could give data on the source to Rand
or someone tio, calculate it. with regard to effects on aircraft and the like.
Cele ch&oted ‘that LisL will make these measurements only on
=CL williuse the equipment employed by Costrell in the past, with
even slover time resolution than before. The devices will be self-contained,
with no telephone wires Aids time.

Dose rate veltune measurement are planned only for Bikini.

2.3 Neutron Flux and pectin |feasurements - (NRL, NRDL)

(LASL will make such mea

on Jughead; Ogle did not know wh

he think UCRL planned to.)

this is

planned for only one surfzsce

s in as great detail as we know how
we would do it any place else, nor did

Scoville thinks it is a question of getting the people who will

do this for the DOD and the people here}


Jalik suggested this is also

fogether and vorking out a combined


The reason for this project is thet

on this, and also want to tie it into Projec

the gamma projects.

D just do not have any data


2.4 Neutron and Gamma-ray Shielding - (cRL]
Scoville stated it was their feeling tits hqscmather limited value;

on the other hand, the effort involved here if sameone |iel.ge is measuring the
neutrons consists only of putting in a few more detectdri.

2.5 Fall-out Distribution Studies - (IRDL, CRL)

To be done at Bilini.


cate the DAN
This measurement will duplica

buoy work on like (except that results were disappointing on

e because the



Select target paragraph3