make the measurements and were interested in the results, details were
worked out and the result is the program as it will be presented today.
After the RDB approved this program they went to the Secretary of

Defense and asked them to release the money (Mive million dollars of R&D


Then there was a change of administration with a new econanic

» and it became necessary to resubmit the proposal. At the moment
ogran is again in the RDB office; it 1s not thought they will review
it galp,but will probably send it back recommending the money be made
available | On the other hand, the DOD cannot count the dollars in hand

until thé iget them.


There is a certain amount of so-called preliminary planning

can be committed now for projects which are certain to be

carried out/mW

(It weit appear that the only thing we can do today is to go ahead

on the assumption-that the projects will get their money, and do the best
we can if some of! them do not.)
i i

The progran’ifWiéludes two projects which were not approved by the RDB

in December but were left| tentative pending more information. (AFSWP specifically earmarked these tieb|projects as being open to question.) One was the
long-range detection program, on which approval was left pending until the
evaluation of the programs,

this work.




next CAE meeting which ‘was

The question here concerned

because of the tight security surrounding


The other project was the
courmtermeasures by using two d
would be fully equipped with all

ps proposal to evaluate atomic warfare
rated Liberty ships, one of which
devices which have been worked out to

protect and decontaminate Naval veSsel#j

the other one not so equipped.


would position these outside the blast
ge but within the range where they
would be surely contaminated. The proposal was not approved the first time,
but was resubmitted with more details
was then approved by the CAE.

This, then, should be added to the program de-driginally approved.
further discussion of this project, see bobs pelow. )


The rest of the afternoon was devoted Yo gq¢ing through the programs,

project by project, with Kingsley canducting the idiscussion.

He explained

that he only got into this last Thursday, so would call on his colleagues
where necessary. As stated above, the program was dev
last fall,
requesting the services to submit their concepts of
programs they
needed, the results being worked over by AFSWP, consultdzig with the services
and the various laboratories, and boiled down into an lihtegrated program.
The outline presented today was predicate] on four types of shots: surface

bursts on the ground, in deep water, and in the lagoon, and an air burst.



Select target paragraph3