Scoville, N.

Kingsley, G.


et al





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Ogle,2Wagan the discussion by remariing that he had read the papers
on the DCDXtnat.ser and thought it clear that in some cases there may be

overlaps bh

everal experiments will get the same data, in which case

it behooves uf
fig correlate this as much as possible.

For instddde, we will be doing sone thermal work. We do not plan to

do any total thermalmeasurements because we are not convinced that LASL
can learn anything fron this work which is applicable to our particular
interests. ‘e will robably, measure power-time. Most of the thermal work
will be concentrated.
amd is largely devoted
to an understanding of thepphysical processes going on in the air et that

This is not et
to effects considerations and is probably not

of concern to the DOD.

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Probably the only other place wherféj there might be duplication is in

the program for measuring total mmber
neutrons. There our plans are not
at all fixed yet. We are not convinced
can make any measurements by
techniques used before and get an answer-that we need. This is largely due

to the fact that the neutrons, of course, havereemparatively short mean free paths
in air and we do not think we can talk of recovering
inside 1000 yds frm
most of these bombs, so that the error int
ed by having to extrapolate
back to the bomb probably makes the measurements eq: crude to yield the
information we need.

Scoville presented a little history on the me
as it stands
today. An outline of a program was presented to the RDB {6h 17 December.
Their new policy is to approve a program in general terms; rather than

project by project, so that approval was obtained in De¢ember from the RUB
of a rather generalized program covering the measurements thatwere

considered necessary as of that time.

Since that period, thign

$9that cight
have been discussed in considerable detail with various agench

Select target paragraph3