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|} dsenhower:


Papers, 1953-61 |

(Ann Whitman file)

light of the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff fransmitted by the reference memorandum of March 7, 1955.


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Adopted the statement of policy in NSC 5507/1, spbject
to the following changes:


Paragraph 1: Revise the last sentence to read:

Such development should be carried fofward

as rapidly as the interests of the Unifed
States dictate, seeking private financing

wherever possible."

Paragraph 3, line 5:

Delete the word "immefiiate”™.

(3) Paregraph 7-c, 4th sentence: Add at the enfi:
"at any early date."

(4) Paragraph 7-c, next to the last line on
Substitute “primarily” for "only".


(5) Paragraph 10, 3rd line: Substitute "$4-$1d million" for "$10 million plus".


Paragraph 13-a:

Revise to read as follows;
<A private utility company] with

the assistance of the U. S. Government, is

now building at Shippingport, Pa., a Jarge-

output power reactor for experimental] purposes, rather than to produce economi atomic
power. The power output will initially be

supported in part by the U. S. Government.

power reactor abroad."


Paragraph 13-b, 1st sentence: Insert at the begi
ning: “Besides the successful sub
ne power

reactors, one type of which now powerp
the USS
NAUTILUS and another type of which igi operating at the West Milton plant and will also

power the USS SEAWOLF,".


Paragraph 13-c, lst sentence:


Paragraph 13-c, last sentence:

Add at the fend: “or

one of the submarine reactors."

=inert "should

. be encouraged.for “must be undertaHen.".


Select target paragraph3