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Papers, 1953-61 !
(Ann Whitman File)

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the package reactor as currently used by the U. S. military. A
Strauss pointed out that in addition to the military uses of th

actor, it had "interesting" implications for civilian atomic po

and besides, it had cost only #2 million.
President, he was satisfied. .

In that case, said t

Prompted by a note from Admiral Radford, the Presiden

that he had another question to pose for Council discussion.


as many of the things which we propose to dO in this paper were
done for psychological and political advantages to the United S
why could we not put a nuclear propulsion unit, such as was use

the NAUTILUS, into a U. S. merchant vessel, which could thereaf

sail around the world as an advertisement of the promise and pr

of the U. S. program for the peaceful uses of atomic energy?


Strauss quickly replied thet conversations with regard t6 such
ject were already on foot bétween the AEC and the Newport News
building Corporation. The President appeared gratified, and 5s


said that Admiral Strauss always seemed to anticipate his own i
If this, however, were the case, why did we not give some indic

of it to the press? We could at least inform the newspapers t
project was under study by the Government. Such a merchant ves

- would, in the President's words, constitute "a travelling showc

Admiral Radford inquired whether the submarine type of propulsion unit, already developed, could not be transferred for uge in
a merchant vessel, and if so, how long would the operation requjre?

Admiral Strauss replied that if one undertook to do this "as a gtunt"
it could probably be done in a matter of some ninety days. On fhe
other hand, he personally much preferred to construct a new nuclear
propulsion unit for the specific purpose of providing power for]e
merchant vessel. This would require perhaps a period of two years
to build.

The President said that he rather hoped that somethink like |
this could be done prior to the opening of the Afro-Asian Conference
in Indonesia next month.
Admiral Strauss then asked permission from the Councill
- describe briefly the plans of the AEC for the forthcoming meet
atomic scientists sponsored by the Swiss Academy in Geneva. It] was
proposed to build a reactor in Geneva at a cost of between $300,000
and $400,000 for this occasion. Moreover, if the State Department
agrees, and can successfully negotiate the project with the Swigs
Government, the AEC proposed to leave the reactor in situ at the

conclusion of the meeting.


The National Security Council;

Discussed the draft statement of policy on the subject

contained in the reference report (NSC 5507/1) in the ©


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