
Include atolls in addition to those identified above (e.g.,

Likiep, Wotje, Ailuk, Mejit).

Maintain research activities (e.g., studies of radionuclide

transport in the marine and terrestrial environment) on Bikini and
Enewetak atolls, and expand same to other atolls as necessary.

Conduct periodic (“ every five years) radiological

monitoring (including aerial surveillance) of all of the atolls and
people mentioned, plus such others as may be included.


Based upon the information obtained in (3) and (4), prepare

estimated future dose assessments for the people of each atoll.

Current DOE funding for Marshall Islands activities has been
(exclusive of the 13-atoll survey and radiological support to DNA for
the Enewetak cleanup)

$3.828M in FY1980.

These figures provide only for medical followups which include
examination and treatment for radiation related diseases for the
people of Rongelap and Utirik.

In addition, "sick call" has been

conducted for the people of Rongelap, Utirik, and those Bikinians
who resided on Bikini Island, and a medical survey of the people of
The inclusion of Additional people was estimated at approximately
$750,000 for every 200 persons added to the program (e.g., Enewetak $1.7M; Likiep - $2.3M; Wotje - $1.3M; Ailuk - $1.6M; Mejit -— $1.3M),
including ship support.

Select target paragraph3