The Senate has not yet voted on the bill, but is expected to do so shortly after reconvening. | Although differences in other parts of the bill not involving the Marshall Islands (e.g., Virgin Islands) will require a House-Senate conference Committee, it is understood that the House will agree to the Senate changes identified above. January 1, 1981, and request The plan is due to the Congress by for funding is authorized as of October 1, 1980. Independent of H.R. 3756 but concurrent with it are the negotiations being conducted between the U.S. and the Government of the Marshall Islands which identify the relationship between the two governments over the next 20 years. Although the negotiations do not address U.S. agency responsibilities and funding mechanisms _» the substance of proposed U.S. obligations are more general than, but not significantly different from, the activities identified above. Impact on DOE PROGRAM It is clear that via either or both of the above mechanisms, DOE will be expected, if not directed, to expand its program in the Pacific, either by Presidential direction or by a Congressional mandate. The following changes can be anticipated: 1. Provide general medical cay,to the people of Rongelap, Utirik, Bi- kini, and Enewetak in addition to examination and treatment, if necessary, for radiation related diseases.