



neutralized by the rrogressive radioactive decay.



In addition the transit dose

frou the cloud pessing over the atolls could not be estineted,
variables were taken into account end the doses celculated.

All of these

These doses were

consistent with the doses that were actually measured on Rongerik by film that
was stored in refrigerators and by film exposed outside on this atoll.

In view

of this internal ccnsistency it is believed that the dose of radiation on the atolls

4s reasonably accurate,

Details of the calculation of the dose are in the official

report which discusses in detail the probable range in values (ref, 1, Chapter 1)
The fellout material vhen deposited on the ground formed a large planar source
of radietion.

The energy distribution of the radiation reaching an e:pesed indiv=

idual is influenced by its passage through the intervening air.

A knowledge of the

tnherent gamma spectrum as it emminates from the meterial itself is essentiel in
order to determine the spectrum that inpinges upon exposed individuels.

When one

takes into account the spectometric data on the mixed fissicn products and the
degredation by Compton scattering along the path in air, a dose energy histogram
can be constructed, showing that there are roughly three regions with maxina at

10C, 700, and 15CO KEV.

The total exposure is thus the resultant effect of partial

doses from each energy region, making the exposure energy condition significantly

different fron those of radiation therapy, experimental biology or from the prompt
pooma raecdiation-of the bomb,

Details of the characteristics of the exposure are

diccussei in reference. (Ref. 1, Chapter 1).

The fallout meterial consisted predominently of flakes of calcium oxide resulting froz the incineration of the ccral.

products were derosited.
as enow like,

Upon the flakes of calcium oxide fission

At Rongelap Atoll the material was visible and described

It stuck to the skin, adhered to the heir and clothes, the vegetation

BOE arcHives

Select target paragraph3