dese; on Ailinginae; on Mongerik where

Anuerican servicemen were stationed, end

_ ‘Utirik where the smallest dose was received but by the largest number of people,
The Marshallese were living under relatively prinitive conditions in lightly
constructed palm houses,
The Azerican military personnel had the second highest exposure.

They were

more aware of the significance of the fallout then were the Marshallese, and promptly
put on additional clothing to protect their skin.
they retsined inside of aluminum buildings.

As far as duties would per~it,

In contrast to this the Marshallese

in general renained outside and accordingly were more heavil; contaminated by the
material falling upon the atoll and upon them,
All of the exposed himan beings were evacuated by air and surface transporta~
tion to the United States Naval Station, Kwajalein, as promptly as facilities
would permit,

Since a survey of the individuals showed that there was significant

contamination of the skin, clothes and hair, the clothes were renoved and leundered
and repested washings of the skin and hair was carried out with fresh water end soap.
The heir of the Marshallese was decontaminated with difficulty because of the heavy

coconut oil hair dressing they used.

On Rongelap there were 64 individuels that

received an estinated dose of 175 r.

On Ailinginae there were 18 individuals re-

ceiving approximately 69 r,

On Rongerik there were 28 American servicemen recei-

ving aporoximately 78 r. On Utirik there were 157 individuals receiving approx
imitely Ar.
Wicle Hody Gamma Doses

The determinaticn of the whole body gamna doses are dependent upon the surveys
tiat were made with calibrated instruments approximately 3 feet above the groumd
several days after the inhabitents were evacuated.

In addition certain aseumptions

had to be made about the arrival tine of the cloud and the rate of fallout of the

Only on Rongerik where there was a recording dosimeter

known precisely.

is arrival time

The dose rate of the continuing fallout of material was in pert



Select target paragraph3