

Comparison of Safety Function s and Regulatory Requirements for the CNDAU 3 and PIUS
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors - 1991
SRP Model Development and Analyses - (your personal notes)
Panel Process for Source Selection - 1978

Fissionable Materials Storage Facilities in the Russian Federation - 1992
Transactions of Criticality Alarm Systems Workshop- 1988
Nuclear Criticalilty Safetey Experiments - 1958 to 1982 (Vols. 1 & 2)
Articles on Nuclear Physics - 1968 through 1973

Criticality Notebook - 1975
Criticality Accidents - 1967 - 1979
Resource Book - Codes 4/8/1977

Notebook on WIMS- 1980
Workshop on Safety of Soviet-Designed Nuclear Power Plants - 11/92

Sandia Analysis of the Chernobyl Reactor Accident - 10/86
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