of all agencies to enable placement of the animals at the latest possible

time on D-l and recover them as soon as possible after detonation.


loss, however, must be accepted on megaton shots considering the 17 hour
or longer time interval between placement and recovery.
Since no chorioretinal damage was incurred, no estimate of the

value of shutters and filters can be made.

Two civilian employees of Holmes and Narver were seen in consul-

tation following this test.

Both noted headache and photophobia.


a DUKW driver had worked on the water some 90 hours previously during
the week,

it is believed all symptons were due to fatigue, long hours

outdoors and on the water.

No evidence, ophtalmoscopically, of

chorioretinal burns was obtained,

Visual acuity was not reduced in

either case.


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Select target paragraph3