Prototypes of electromagnetic shutters of two types are being

field tested as a part of this program.

These shutters are designed

to prevent or minimize temporary flash blindness, after-images, or
retinal burns.

Results obtained on animals exposed behind these

shutters will be compared with those obtained by other shutters and
filter mechanisms.
None of the animals exposed had eyes held open by artificial

This introduced the possibility that the eye might be closed

at time zero.

An alarm bell was set up to waken animals.

focused on the animals were used to determine shutter


speed and to

ascertain whether eyes were open during the time of exposure.
An examination of the exposed eyes of the animals revealed no
chorioretinal burns,
rabbits were dead.

Of the 83 rabbits and 8 monkeys exposed, 4
Inspection of the equipment at time of re-entry

indicated that it had functioned properly,

A check of actual shutter

speeds must wait availability and study of the high speed motion pictures.

It is not believed that lack of chorioretinal burns can be attributed to the change in detonation point of the weapon,

The absence

of eye injury is very probably due to the animals receiving a total
thermal energy lower than had been calculated, and delivery of this

energy over a much greater time interval.

The normal blink reflex time,

as determined in laboratory tests, would permit these experimental
animals to have their eyes closed by the beginning of the second pulse.
Animal deaths are attributed to sun stroke or heat prostration
induced by the prolonged period of exposure to the afternoon sun after

1400 on D-l.


This project has received the wholehearted cooperation




Select target paragraph3