of yttrium and cesium are concentrated in the plants.
In addition, experiments have been completed on a fifth element


The absorption of ruthenius from nutrient solution by Red

Kidney Bean plants was studied az a fimetion of the ruthenium concen-

tration and of the acidity of the solutdon (pH). Observations show

thet the uptake of ruthenium ie dependent upon, but not strictly proportional te, the concentration of ruthenium added to the nutrient
calture, and the uptake efficiency increases es the acidity increases.




developed ui ingroved mathcd fer heemtization ef pestiole cise an
airborne dust. The method has direct application to industrial hygiene
Problems involving such ssasuremmts and should facilitate their solution. Heretofore, the usual msthods of sempling airborne dust have
required snalysis of particle sise by time-consuming and tedious microscopic observations.

The new technique involves collection on membrane

filters vhich are then dissolved in an organic solvent.

The resultant

dust suspension is then analysed turbidinetrically (in terms of light
falling on a photocell after passing through the suspension). ‘the

concentration of the dust in the sample dees not affect the results of

the particle-size determination, The turbidimetric msthod gives good
accuracy and reproductibility of resulte,
Radiation Instruments Progran

Fourth Tripartite Conference on Instrumentation. Gaaaass

Preliminary arrangements



Canada, and the United Kingdom to hold a tripartite conference on


instrumentation at Harwell, Sngland, in May 195, On October 15 at

Chalk River, Ontario a meeting will be held by the planning comittee
of representatives from AEC, Chalk River, ood Harwell to establish an
agenda for the confarunce,

Items suggeated in preliminary discussions for the spring confer~
ence are pile instrumentation, chemical plant instrumentation, tran-

iteas on instrumentationwithin the general areas of Health and Safety

(Area 2), Isotopes (Area 3), Extraction Chemistry (Area 7), and Low-

Fower Reactors (Area 9),


mete es


Select target paragraph3