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electrometer with a digital readout.

Bikini and Eneu Islands of the Bikini

The instrument exhibits a flat energy


response over all gamma-ray energies

integrated with previous programs to

of interest to this survey.

avoid duplication of effort.

It is

This sampling program was


capable of measuring exposure rates

actual number of samples taken and

from approximately 1 to 200 uR/hr with

theix specific collection sites were

an accuracy of about 5%.

determined by expected activity levels,

Thus, the

data from this instrument were used as

home-construction plans, agricultural

a reference for measurements by other

plans, and the number of locations of


recent soil samples collected by other

Exposure rates at 1 m above the


ground were measured with the Nal
scintillator at approximately 2500

Methods and Measurements

locations on a 30-m rectangular grid

Two. types of soil samples were col-

on Bikini Island and at about 120

lected for analysis:

locations on a 120-m grid on Eneu

surface-core sample of 60-cm


and a profile collection based upon

The ionization chamber was

a 15-cm deep,

primarily used for measurements within

sidewall sampling in a trench in which

the central section of Bikini Island

samples of 100-cm* area were collected

with additional measurements made at

at 15-cm-depth increments to a depth

selected areas.

of 90 cm.

Thus, from this pro-

gram a very comprehensive picture of

To plan the survey, Bikini

Island was divided into the north,

the gamma-ray exposure rates at both

central, and south sections along the

islands is available.

respective second baseline roads.


cent dosimeters (TLDs) provided a

Eneu was divided by the airstrip into

third technique for evaluating the

the north and south sections.

external dose.

approximate numbers of surface and

A complete report on


the external gamma measurements and

profile samples collected within these

resulting dose assessment has been

sections are given in Table l.


Note that a major fraction of

Soil Survey

the surface samples were collected

The soil sampling program was
designed to identify the primary

within the central section of Bikini
’ Island.

This was because of the

radionuclides contributing to the

higher and more variable gamma-

external gamma exposure and to deter-

exposure rates in this area and the

mine the geographical distribution of

fact that a major fraction of the

these radionuclides in the soil on

returning Bikinians are likely



Select target paragraph3