minimize external exposure,

ple (see acknowledgment) and the sup-

a survey

of Bikini Atoll was proposed.


port of the ERDA Research Vessel,

plans. called for aerial surveys to

Liktanur, from June 16 through June 24,

determine external gamma levels on all


islands in the atoll along with ground
surveys using scintillation counters

The basic plans for the 1975 Bikini
survey are outlined below.

and thermoluminescent dosimeters


Emphasis was to be placed on

Bikini and Eneu Islands, the prime
residence islands.

In addition, there

was to be a rather large scale effort

Survey of Gamma-Exposure Rate
The program for the measurement of

to sample the soil and vegetation to

gamma-ray exposure rates conducted on

evaluate the potential dose via the

the ground was designed to examine in

terrestrial pathway.

detail the geographical variability of

It was felt that

this was an especially important goal

the exposure rates on Bikini and Eneu

in view of the significance of the


contribution of the food chain to the

measured during previous visits.

and verify exposure-rates

total dose estimated at Enewetak
Methods and Measurements

For a number of reasons, the scale

A Baird-Atomic scintillation detec-

of the program had to be reduced from

tor, which consists of a 2.5-cm-diam

that originally planned.

x 3.9-cm-long NaI crystal with a

Manpower and

Support were reduced, and the aerial

ratemeter readout was used.

Survey was temporally deferred, leaving

instrument was calibrated with a 137¢6

the entire program of measuring the

point source in the primary calibra-

external dose levels on Bikini and

tion range of the National Environmen-

Eneu Islands to be accomplished by

tal Research Center, Las Vegas, Nevada.

ground crews.”

While the response of this instrument

The emphasis of this

reduced effort was toward the external

is energy-dependent,


our experience at

gamma measurements on Bikini and Eneu

Enewetak showed that this was not a


serious limitation because of the

Although the sampling of the

food chain pathways was less extensive

dominance of 13764 in the radiation

than we had hoped, we maintained a

background on the atoll.

smaller scale program designed to help

a Reuter-Stokes high pressure ioniza-

assess the potential dose via inges-

tion chamber.

tion pathways.

the radiation-induced ionization within

The 1975 Bikini survey

was conducted with the help of 20 peo-

5009953 —


We also used

The current produced by

the chamber is measured by a sensitive

Select target paragraph3