and canned. The 53-1b. fish with the highest reading was sent to the
UCLA#AEC Project and to the Analytical Branch of the New York Health and
Safety Laboratory for radiochemical analysis. A separate report will be
made upon completion of the radiochemical analysis.

(b) On June 8, the California Department of Fish and Game Research
vessel, M. B. Schofield, landed at San Pedro. The ship had caught approximately a ton of fish in the Wigwam test area after the detonation. The
crew and fishery biologists had eaten some of the fish and were extremely
apprehensive they had consumed some radioactive contaminated fish. A team
of Food and Drug inspectors monitored the cargo and ship.
was detected.

No radioactivity

During the first week of the operation the alarms on the auto=
matic instruments were tripped at two plants in San Diego and one at
Terminal Island.
The fish unloading lines were shut down until the fish

were monitored by hand and ascertained to be negative.

A survey deter-

mined that a commercial shipyard repair firm was using a 3000 millicurie
source of Cesium to check the finished welds on veSsels. When the source

was transferred to smaller pigs and carried from the panel truck to the
weld the resulting radioactivity was sufficient to trip the alarms, when
the source was 75 yards or closer to the automatic counters. Readings
near the truck were 20 mr/hr.

Arrangements were made to correlate their

operations with the fish unloading activities.

No extreme adverse publicity resulted from the monitoring program
and in general the west coast tuna canners and public accepted the criteria

that the operation was a routine Food and Drug - AEC activity.


A brief outline of the activities of Norpac was presented by
Dr. Bosse
He stated that there are three countries involved in

this international sampling of the Northern Pacific and that at a later
date a full report on Norpac will be given to the Committee.


Mr. Eisenbud made a few remarks concerning Operation Redwing.
He spoke of the monitoring program and of the basic differences

in the approach to the problem from that used in the Castle seriese


The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P,M. and the Chairman stated

that the Committee will reconvene on Saturday morning at 9:00 A.M.

Select target paragraph3