Mre Stanwood added further, that in 1957, due to our expanding program,
it is anticipated that a request will be submitted for $30,500,000.

Foreign Doctors



Dr. Dunham described the first of the tours for Foreign

Doctors to visit AEC installations and certain biological and medical laboratories in the United States for the purpose of studying the peaceful
uses of atomic energy.

The tour was under the jurisdiction of the State

Department and the American Council of Education and in cooperation with
tae ATC.

Mr. Tammaro briefly outlined the activities of the Division of International Affairs.

The Committec was gratified to learn from Mr. Tammaro that the Commission
was lending every effort to arouse interest in the atomic energy program
among promising voung scientists.

He mentioned that the Russian scientific training curve is going up and

that from all reports, it looks like Russia will be producing 50,090
scientists and engineers a year while the United States appears to be

dropping from 52,000 to 37,000 per yeare

Dr. Western reviewed the prosress on the Gabriel-

Sunshine prozran.

He stated that there has been increased interest

in the possible biolosical effects of fallout, particularly from nearsurface bursts of high yield weapons.

Which aspect of such fallout would

be critical may depend to a large degree on defense measnres employed.

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Select target paragraph3