who assisted Dr. Paul McDaniel of the Research Division in the organization

and planning ‘sith specific reference to the selection of the scientific
papers to be presented to the Conference.

Of the 1110 papers presented

to the Conference by all the participating countries, either orally or for
inclusion in the published proceedings, apvroximately one half were submitted by the United States.
Ye said that Mr. Butenhoff undertook the formulation of the sai entific

It was ar outstandins piece of work and many favorable comments

had been expressed over the exhibit.

Mr. Brown followed by discussing the Atomic Energy Act of 195, noting an
intent to permit and encourage industry to play a greater role in the
development of atomic energy.

He told of activities of the Division of

Civilian Application and of the establishment of the Division of Inspection.
He pointed out that in the General Manarer's Office there had been developed
a reactor hazards evaluation staff for the purpose of relieving the reactor

saferuards committee of some administrative burdens.
Mr. Stanwood was called upon to give a short budgetary review.

He said

that for the fiscal ,ear, 195%, that the Division had a budget of 27,000,000,
and of that amount $26,800,000 had been expended.

In 1956, the current

fiscal year, Congress appropriated $27,000,000 which was the amount requested.
However, due to the administration of the radioisotopes research program,

plus a number of other items, it has been necessary to increase the request

of the Division by $500,000.

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Select target paragraph3