NLL ee re Neh weaCk ne ae

Porr/Battirt /iirscu/CONRAD


substitution of isoleucine may be caused both by infrequent nongenctic
errors and by somatic mutations. However, isoleucine substitutions for
amino acids whose codons require more than onebase substitution to change
into isoleucine codens can be considered to be due primarily to translational
errors because the likelihood of two base substitutions within the same codon
is the square of the frequency of a base substitution at one nucleotide, which
would be very infrequent. Thus, isoleucine substitution for amino acids like
glycine or alanine can be considered to result from translational errors only.

Some amino acids are coded bytriplets, some of which can and others which
cannot mutate from nonisoleucine to isoleucine codons by single base
substitutions, c.g. lysine, arginine, threonine and serine. Substitution of isoleucine for such amino acids would be by nongenetic errors at some positions,
but by somatic mutations plus nongenetic errors at other positions. The
distinction of these should be readily made by treatment of experimental
animals with base substitution mutagens; marked increases in isoleucine
substitution should occur only at positions where single base changes can
mutate nonisolcucine codons into isoleucine codons. By comparing the
substitution frequencies of isoleucine for lysine at positions which are and
which are not alfected by a base substitution mutagen, it should be possible

to access the tclattve contribution of translational errors and somatic
mutations toward the formation of erroneous proteins during protein synthesis in young andold animals.
In line with the above arguments, the data of LorrrieLD and VANDERJAGT [7] are pertinent and interesting. If their data are handled in a manner
similar to ours, ic. to calculate the valine substitution for all the other amino
acids in the telra- and octapeptide (except for the C-terminal amino acids
because valine substitutions for lysine would notyield the appropriate tryptic
peptides), their sverage substitution frequency would be 7.5 x 10-* per amino
acid residue compared with our value of 2.99 x 10-® per amino acid residue.
These values arc in pood agreement and the twofold differences may actually
be due to specics differences. LOFTFIELD [6] has found that the majority of the
valine incorporated in the tryptic peptides of the rabbit a-chain is located at
Positions where isoleucine is the coded amino acid (personal commun. ). This
would seem to support their view that most of these substitutions are caused
by translational errors. However, amino acids that are likely to be involved
in translational errors are the same ones which are coded for by triplets
wheresingle bases distinguish nonisoleucine and isoleucine codons. Of greater
interest is the fact that the valine substitution in the tetrapeptide was lower
than in the octapeptide. The octapeptide contains 3 glycine residues,

Select target paragraph3