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Errors in Human Hemoglobin as a Function of Age


was obtained from a 60-year-old woman showing signs of senility. Little
significance can be attached to this sample taken from the oldest person in
this study; however, it docs suggest that more data on older persons should

be obtained to determine whether the isoleucine substitution frequency increases linearly or has an exponential component during advanced ageing [9].
As stated in the Introduction, isoleucine incorporation into human
hemoglobin A may originate from genetic and/or nongenetic errors. One
approach toward estimating the contribution of somatic mutations to the

average isoleucine substitution frequency would be to assume that the

mutation frequencies due to polymerase errors in germinal and somaticcells
are similar. This may be a valid assumption for comparing spermatogonia

and erythropoietic stem cells; both divide continually and differentiate into

terminal cells. However, oogonia, which remain at prophase of the second

meiotic division, may have a lower frequency of mutations owing to polymer-

ase errors. The rate of germinal mutations in man has been estimated from
the frequency of occurrence of inherited genetic diseases, which suggests an
average mutations frequency of 1 x 10-5/locus/generation. It has been argued
that this estimate is too high, but a higher value based on molecular changes

within proteins has been calculated recently [8]. Most inherited genetic
diseases result from defective enzymatic mechanisms. Mutations within the
active centers of enzymes (usually less than 5% of the molecule) cause
inactivation or altered substrate specificity sufficiently different from normal
to produce an altered phenotype, whereas mutations at amino acid residues
outside the active center generally do not markedly change the specificity of
an enzyme. Isoleucine is 1 of 20 amino acids that substitute for other amino
acids but since only 5% of all mutations randomly occurs within an active
site, one deduces that an isoleucine substitution for other amino acids occurs
at approximately the same frequency as the appearance of expressed mutations, i.e. about 1 x 10-*/locus/generation. Thus, this portion of the total
isoleucine substitution frequency may be due to mutations while the remainder, 2x 10-5, may result from nongenetic error.
A better estimation of the contribution of somatic mutations and nongenetic errors toward thetotal isoleucine substitution frequency can be made
in an experimental animal with the aid of isotopically labelled amino acid
incorporation followed by sequential degradation of the polypeptide. Using
such procedures, the absolute substitution frequencies of isoleucine for the
various amino acids in the polypeptide can be determined. For amino acids
whose codons can be changed from nonisoleucine codons into isoleucine
codons by a single base substitution, e.g., GUU (Val) to AUU (He), the

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