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What were the eviecis o this irraciation?

The discussion in the following pages of ‘‘Thyroid
Irradiation in Utah Infants Exposed to Iodine 131”
by Charles Mays, which appeared in our last issue,
centers around these two questions and the problems
involved in trying to answer them.
Obviously, it is desirable to find and treat any malignancies that might develop in any of these children.
It is also important to find answers to the questions be-

cause of the light this could throw on the more general

questions: How much iodine 131 produces thyroid
damage of any kind? Thyroid cancer? In what propor-

tion of exposed children? These questions are important,

not only for past exposure, but for the evalution of
possible future exposure from underground testing,

atmospheric testing by other nations, Plowshare projects
(nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes) or from reactor accidents.

w much?

A recent paper from the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (reviewed on page 4 ) presents new estimates of

the size of the dose and the number of children exposed;
estimates which underscore the need for expanding the
search for radiation effects. A procedure for checking

these estimates, proposed in the Appendix to Dr. Mays’

article last month, would use the long-lived iodine 129
as an indicator of the amount of iodine 131 originally

present. This proposal is discussed further by Dr. Tamplin on page 3.

carbon 14—as an indicator of the age of archeological


Tissue preserved after autopsies performed on people
who died shortly after nuclear tests in the fifties could
therefore be tested for iodine 129. This would tell us
how much iodine 131 was in the same thyroids prior
to death, and the approximate level of iodine 131 exposure to others still living, who were subject to fallout
in the same locality in the same year. Autopsy tissue
is probably available in Salt Lake City, if not in the

smaller towns (CNI has not checked with Salt Lake
hospitals, but such tissue would be available in St.

Louis, and presumably also in other metropolitan
medical centers). Such a study would not have to cover
the whole geographical area of high exposure in order
to serve as a check on estimates—such as those of

Tamplin and Fisher—based on external radiation
measurements. 9+ Ika


Lah >)

Whateffects? “70-30.

Dr. Conard, who has been studying the Marshall
Islanders exposed to fallout from the Bikini test of
March 1, 1954, summarizes the thyroid abnormalities

found in these people (page 1 ). With one exception,
all the abnormalities found have been in the group

exposed to 700 or more rads of radiation from iodine

131. The children exposed to the lesser doses, and
showing no abnormalities are too few in number, as

Conard points out, to establish a threshold dose (a dose

The question has been asked: If iodine 129 has a
half-life of millions of years, why aren’t we concerned

below which no abnormalities would be produced).

age than the short-lived iodine 131?

Marshall Island experience that are applicable to the
Utah-Nevada experience.

about its biological effects? Doesn’t it do more dam-

The answer is

“No.” Because it decays slowly, iodine 129 gives off
muchless radioactivity in a given amount of time than
does iodine 131. Also, although it takes about seventeen

million years for half the radioactivity of iodine 129 to

decay (a physical half-life of 17,250,000 years), it is
excreted from the body fast enough to make its biologtcal half-life (the time it takes for half of it to disappear
from the body) only about three months.
In pathological tissue from autopsy, the excretory
process would have ceased with death. Because there

is a known ratio of iodine 131 to iodine 129 at the
time they are created in a nuclear explosion, the iodine
129 still present in the tissue can give a clue to the

amount of iodine 131 that was formerly present. This

is not unlike the use of another long-lived isotope—

They are also too few to draw conclusions from the

Six children in the Marshall Islands were exposed
to 300-600 rads. On the basis of the assumption used by
Mays (35 cancers per million children exposed to one
rad of x-rays), one would expect only one case of thyroid cancer per hundred children exposed to 300 rads
or one case per 50 children exposed to 600 rads. If iodine
131 is one-tenth as effective as x-rays in producing
thyroid damage, one case of thyroid cancer per thou-

sand children exposed to 300 rads would be expected
or one case in 500 children exposed to 600 rads. It i:
therefore not surprising that no cancer has been founc
in the six children exposed to doses in this range.

Forty children were exposed to 55-125 rads. In thi:

exposure range, one would expect a maximum of on«

Copyright 1966. Greater St. Louis Citizens’ Committee for Naclear Information


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