a ‘Brot ecticr

- o ae Against: theprinery radiological effects, distance will provide
_ Protection,


Be “Against the, secondary radioactivity hazards from radioactive fission

- products » induced radioactivity end unfissioned residue, detection and avold‘ance provide the best protection, Suitable instruments indicate both the

* presence and intensity of radioactivity at a given place,

Area recon-

+ l.maissance,the maintenance of contamination situation maps, the posting:
7:3} of areas of hazard, and minimizing the spread of contaminated material into
a uncontaminated areas constitute the active measures for reducing the radio"-2Lo gical hazard, ~
Ce Personnel within an operational radius of ground zero who are to be
"facing in the direction of the flash will be required to wear special goggles —.
to protect’ their eyes ageinst excessive light, Personnel within the ebove ee

* operatienal. radius who are not provided géggles will face, with eyes closed, ©
in the oppesite direction from the flash.

After tm (10) seconds ’ such


Personne may turn abeut and observe the phenemena.
Anttctpated Hazard Areas





i 7

o no

a aBe- Bonding ‘biewina,:
Gana to some extent crosswind ‘end upwind). an ‘sina

2“borne radioactive hazard will exist,

Its tharacteristics will depend on the *”

meterological influences auch as wind speed and direction at various

_ altitudes UP te. the machheight reached by the cloud,


ce : i

’ Contaminatedweter’‘in the agoon adjacent ta the shot site ‘may be of~~
* Sdmsecuence; andiwill' beanalyzed by the rediological safety. unit af 7 TsLe

Jmediately.after.shot timo ‘end|at otherintervals. ._ S
foke LS

etyvt he>


NL ade:

‘Unless dare is ‘exercised, individuals er “objects entering
g contaninat 4 S

aay. transfer: radioactivity to, cleawareas.aae
ta Raat a

mach”as Goiger-Maellercounters, fon*
"or “nitocloctelells it is possible tedetect the area of contamination and*

- bo measure the intensity of the radieactivity. . Radiation intensity will -

hormally. bemeasured and Teported in roent gens per hours Besides those©mo




Select target paragraph3