






: rs
ae *pendix i to Annex Gov






~ Hazards Resulting,from Atomic Bomb Explosions




le Nature of Hazards

ae When. an atomic bom explosion o: ccurs ’ tremendous quantities of

energyin a variety ef forms are released. This energy is propagated out=
ward in all directions, _



>. “The immediate reaction is intense emission of ultraviolet, visible

~~ and infrared (heat) radiation, gamma rays and neutrons.

This is accom

panied by the formation of a large ball of fire. A large part of the
energy from the explosion is emitted as a shock wave, The ball of fire

‘ produces a mushroom-shapped mass of hot gases, the top of which rises

yapidly. In the trail below the mshroom cap, a thin columis left.

The .

¢loud and colum are then carried downwind, the directionand speed being ~~
’~ determined by the direction and speed of the wind at the various levels of ~
. alr from the surface to base of mushroom cap, Part of the.energy from the a
-~ exposion results in an oceansurface wave which is considered. of minor|Seve ck.

“nature rectly.to the Task Forces - a

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mat Ce 1personnel. ‘of ‘the Task Force will be ‘wel‘gutaide'<of the3range”.
Of all hazards at the time of detonation, exceptfor the light from the me
wall.* The light of expiosion is so intense that permanent injury .to <.:
the eye mayresult:from viewingthe ball of fire-at-close range with the...
2 naked eye. or through. binoculars, Ordinary dark glasses will not. suffice | aE
*“ and all personnel. who do not have the-special protective glasses, which «’
“will be issued in:Lintted. hunbers.rv etc 7.1, mast. be facing 386

two time perioda..: Theprimary radiation which occurs at the time of the:

= flash is compesed“of ¢gemma: Tays.and neutrons. Casualties may result fremthis primary adiation 4fthe exposure ‘eccurs within a certain range of.;:


Secondary.Fadistion: ie dus to,‘activation of thesoil.

‘the-dotenaticay f
expused:tobeta: partislosand. gamma-rays Gomingfromintused neutroni


activityinthe SAT‘and/or water,“andmyfission’ producta which mtgitar

‘have been deposited on the ground or inthe water,

There may also be a‘2:

__ potential alpha particle hazard fromthe unfissioned flesionable materials .

Select target paragraph3