






ut. De Vehicle Mrls: The interior surfaces of occupied sections of
'-,wehtoles should be reduced to 7 or/hr, The cuteide surfaces of vehicles




should be reduced to lesa than 7 nr/hr (ganna only) at five (5) or six (6)

« °

ee 3h inches fronthe surfaces



Ship and Boat PMLa:








(1) It 48 desired to point out that the employnent of the ships

“ and units in TG 7.3, insofar as radiological safety is concerned, is not
.. ’ @onsidered routine usage within the purview of NavMed ?-1325, "adiclogical

- a) Safety Regulations",

Current revision of NavMed P1325 indicetes that ita

provisions do not apply for special operations such es field tests and that


for such operetions naval personnel will operate under regulations set forth _

by the Task Force Commander as approved by the Chief of Naval Operations.
"> *

~ (2) In general, ships and boats eperating in waters near shot
- ota
sites after shot tines may become contaminated, Monitora shall be aboard
g@ll such craft operating after shot tine, either aa passengers or members

"of the crew, until such tine: as radiological restrictions are lifted,

Pee Pe

Task Unit Commanders ‘shall, teke necessary action. to ensures that

personnel of ships and beats are not over-exposed to radiationand that : -.

-. ships and boats are not contaminated excessively, The eriterionin voth:3




ig that ne personnel shall be. over~exposed as defined by: paragraph Le
38 above, except in energencies or tactical operations; and that efter the

-/Fopedattennl peried:ne ‘persennel shallreceive nore. then 43)roentgen pers.


For ships end beats. operating in contaminated vaters,. reason

apne’ allowences ahall,be made to differentiate between the relative con—

os tribution te the total flux from fixed contamination and that due to



®Shine™ from contaninated waterse -Fixed alpha contaninatien should not -*

“exeged' 2500 dpm (disintegrations per ninute)

per 15@ cm* of area for en~

:+@Lesed areas - (cabins, ate): and 5000 dpa per ie lick
areaa fer “pen surfaces
“where Nentilation: Se goods
-he wie

-_ Ae


po? Savepelewt Ae

rented’by. the Tabk Group Cormander's. or by Commanding Officers if go artaneded
be:avee solps andboata showingno:“point of contamination erenter than RPIRS

15me/day:(beta and ganme)iend no detectable alpha,Otherships and boa

will be grantedeperational‘clearances’‘by the Task Group Commander, orby’4

Commanding Officers if so ordered, “An operetional clearance implies that -.*
-; Contamination exists and thas, apeoial proceduresas necessary|are) instituted“

Select target paragraph3