


SIG 7,3 No, 1-53
cs. For the purpose of ebtaining film bedge dosineters, nemesa of all
individuals who are expected to enter redionetive areas shell be subzitted

te CTG 7,1, via CTU 7,3, two (2) weeks prior to the first teat.
enanges to the original list aheall be submitted as they oceur,



Fer purposes of estinating the dose received by any ship subjected

te fall-out, ten (18) percent of the crew of ench ship will reeeive f4ln
badges at the start of the operation, These badges will be retained either



until the end of the operetion or until called for by CIG 7,3,

1g, All personnel within viewing distance of en atomie detonation who are

nat supplied with protective goggles shall turn away from the detonation

peint and close their eyes during the tine of burst,

mast be allowed before looking directly at the burst,

At least 10 seconds

1, All air and surface vehicles or ereft used in contaninated freas shall
be checked throvgh the appropriate task group cecontaninaties section upon
return fron such areas,


lz, The Maximun Permissible Linits (MPls) listed herein are te be regarded
as advisory linits for control uzdey average conditions, All reedings of

surface contanination ere to be made with Geiger counters, with shield open
unless: otherwise specified, The surface of the probe should be held one

(1) ineh to twe (2) inches from the surface that: is under observation



unless ‘otherwise specified. For operational purpeses tne contaninetion
*". MPLe presented below will net be considered applicable to spetty conten
dnats{on provided such arees can be effectively {gelated fren personnel,



Bereonne] end stothing MrLs are es follows?



(1) ‘Skin readings aheuld ‘hot be nere than 1,0 mr/hr, Cenplete


decontanination by bathing will be utilised for readings in exeess ef
-, . this level, If the body is generally contaninated and especially if .,
. « Contanination is onthe eyes or gonads, special efforts should. be made te
ls | reduce the contanination level, In general, however, it is not considered

“7 * 3°” prefitable te. abrade the-skin or epilate the scalp in an attempt to reduce -.


-@etbkorn contamination belew 1 m/hy:(about 1600 cpn),

Beta vadiation -ose

- exposure to the hands: should not oxoned 36.0 rep for the overseas (oper.

oF/Befonal peried.

* (2) “Underolothing and pody. equipment ‘auch as. the, internal our|

faees of respirators should be reduced to 2 or/hr.


Outer olething sheuld be reduced to 7 mr/hbr,

Select target paragraph3