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a tor

6 753 i. 1-53
(4) Establieh liaison with TG 7,4 for, and develep proficiency in,
-decontaninetion of aircreft ashore on ENIWETOXK Island,

(5) Establish liaison with TG 7,1 for, end develop proficiency in,

decontaninetion of aircraft ashore at BIXINI .TOLL,


Patrol Squadron (VP-29)

Train a qualified monitor for each eircraft crew.

(2) Establish liaison with TG 7,4 for, and develop proficiency in,

- decontamination of aircraft ashore on ENIWETOK Island,



Other units as directed,

Shot rha

neral Requirements.

a, Prior to shot time, ships of TG 7.3 shall note the background
activity on low range survey meters at several points on topside, Radiation
4 intensities at these pointa shall be read at frequent intervals for ebout
a week after shot time, If indication of significant fall-out is noted,
-.” the ship's water spray system shall be started and continued in operation


.-until instruments indicate that fall-out is complete, or the vessel is
"7%. g@lear of the fall-out erea, Significant fall-out is considered to be 5

“..: mp/hr en shot day and 2 or/hr on post shot deys,


‘ ‘further when the reporting unit is clear of significant fall-out,
code and ingtroctions will be ‘published et a later date,

mats .

CIG 7.3 shall be notified

dmmedietely of each instance” when significant fall-out is detected, and

A simple

be If ships of the Taak Group are contaninated by fall-out or by con—

taninated personnel or material coming aronard, every effart shall be made to

» ,locelize the contamination,

Standard decontamination procedures as out-

- lined in USF 82, USF 85, and Appendix ITI of this dnnex shall be used ta

a reneve contamination.- ,.
NOE a?


Boge Decontanination of- personneland disposal of contaminated meterial

aba be as provided in Pasific Fleet Instructions, USY 82, USF 85, and
‘to this Annex, oo
a os
Ty orderto.‘detectcontanination of vessels of the “Task “Group f
1 ron

" radioactive material in the water of the lagoons, one or more water monitoring

devices may be installed aboard certain ships of the Task Group, When these
‘“".ghipa are inside a lagoon where a shot hes been fired previously, these

-“,devices shall be read hourly,. Should these devices indicate contamination

in the lagoon, it may be -necessary for CIG 73 to order temporary evacuation |

Select target paragraph3