Water spray equipment: Packaged weather deck sprey units
togethey with installation plans heve been develeped by BuShips. These

units will be issued by the Supply Officer of the USS BAIHOKO (CVE~115)
tg ships of the task group in the ferward area,

The purpose of these units

4s te reduce the hazard of contanination from fall-out,





Film badge desimeters will be furnished by


Decontaminatien clothing,

forward area,


CTG 7,1 in the

TDecantaminatien suits equivalent to

these described in detail in paragraph 36 (2) (a) of Appendix III of this

Annex shall be ebtained fer personnel of repair parties,

Waterpreef suits

when worn in tropical climated cause heat prostration too quickly te be

considered prectical for this operation,

Grdup 7.3

Maintenance and Calibration bf Hndiec Equipment,

Units of Task

are responsible for the maintenence of their awn rediee equipment,

For repairs beyond the capacity of ship'sforce, a radiac instrument

repeir center and reserve insttunent pool will be maintained by CTG 7.3
staff personnel eboard the USS BAIKOXO, Radiec instruments needing

calibration will ordinerily be brought to the USs BslHOxXD for calibretiod.
Training exercises and callbratien drills, supervised by steff nenbers of



CTG 7,3, will be conducted fer all ship's monitoring and decontanination

parties abverd the USS BalROKo,


Pre-Shot Phase Specific Requirements

ea, BalROKO (CVE-115)

ae :

Assist TG 7,1 to establish the follewing:

(a) Phote: dosimetry laboratory.

(b) Radiological, center.
(c) eae Provide-space and pewer fer troiler laborators en-hangar







(a) Provide’ epace for rediac instrument repair shop.


provide feoilities for and deve lep proficioncy in decontaninatinn

ef airoreft an board ship,



Select target paragraph3