
In addition, one section collected, interpreted, and] disseminated

data on the radioactivity of contaminants.

TG 7.2 performed all radsafe monitoring

dnd decontam-

ination services for Enewetak Island, provided couriers to acdompany the
aerial movement of radioactive cargo, and operated contaminat


facilities for TG 7.4.

Figure 14)

The organization of TG 7.2 Radsafe (s

consisted of 39 personnel, exclusive of personnel assigned to

khe monitor

Unit radsafe officers and NCOs, together with 50 AEC sefurity-

cleared ("Q"-cleared) men,
cal safety engineer

10 decontamination personnel, and al radiologi-

(placed on temporary duty with TG 7.2 by CETF 7 to act

as TG 7.2 Radsafe Officer during CASTLE), were trained to suppért radsafe
missions for TG 7.1.

Because of the unexpectedly large requir

emergency backup monitors, unforeseen restrictions on the orig
tors, and rotation of personnel during CASTLE, it became necesgary to
train more unit radsafe officers, unit radsafe NCOs, and backug



fs backup

Within TG 7.2, the motor pool personnel were trained


After BRAVO, because of the change in operational method nefessitated
by the contamination of Bikini Atoll, TG 7.2 was instructed to

many backup monitors.
TG 7.1.


By BRAVO D+tl0, 34 backup monitors had begn sent to

Through March and April, 39 more were trained.


the loss of

key personnel (i.e., Q-cleared) hampered some units, CTG 7.2 requested
that the requirement for radsafe backup monitors be minimized aq
possible consistent with the emergency.

the problem would continue indefinitely.

much as

CTG 7.1 agreed, but st

CJTF 7 then ordered t

munication personnel not be used for radsafe monitoring, which

reduced the number of trained, cleared monitors.

The overall r

declined steadily after KOON, and by NECTAR only 17 monitors wer
porary duty assignment to TG 7.1.
While assigned to TG 7.1, the TG 7.2 monitors' duties includg¢d work in
the dosimetry section, decontamination work, supply work, and regovery


Select target paragraph3