like another shot island, except that its remoteness allowed va@ry-largeyleld tests without endangering the permanent facilities at En
requiring its evacuation.

Bikini was without permanent facili

depended on Enewetak for its overhead support.

Part of this s

the combination of personnel, equipment, and materials requiredj to assemble the test devices themselves.

The new assembly area at Enewptak and

the barge-zero stations allowed most of the support functions th

remain at


JTF 7 was established as a permanent organization in 1953 t@
nuclear weapon testing in the Pacific.
conducted HARDTACK,

It existed through 1958fwhen it

the last test series before the 1958 throug§%

clear test moratorium.


1961 nu-

JTF 7 was the successor to JTF 132, whigh had con-

ducted the IVY test series in 1952.
The joint task force incorporated into its organization elements of
the four services,

other governmental agencies

vilian organizations ,under contract.

including the AEG,

The AEC, charged with resfonsibility

for nuclear energy development by the Atomic Energy Acts of 194@
designated Commander JTF 7

(CJTF 7)

as its representative.


a subordinate command of the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific
who provided overall security and logistic support.
Forces Special Weapons Project

and ci-

and 1954,
was also


The Chief

the Armed

(AFSWP) exercised technical direqtion of the

weapon effects tests of primary concern to the Armed Forces.



ity of these relationships is illustrated in Figure ll.
The resulting organization, though complex, worked well enouph, as it

conformed with the realities of the situation.

The realities we

the tests were being conducted to develop nuclear weapons, an ac
limited by law to a civilian agency, the AEC.

The tests were be

ducted in an area that came under the jurisdiction of the AEC (i
sense that the AEC was the U.S. government agency primarily resp


Select target paragraph3