The parent organizations and home stations of the TG 7.4 shits are
listed in Table 87.

These have been derived from the TG 7.4 planning and

after-action documentation.

The home stations and organizations derived from the ConsoJidated List
are listed alphanumerically and described below.

Personnel exfosures are

Presented in Table 86.
Bergstrom Air Force Base, Austin, Texas.

One person is listed§

but no

function is identified.
Biggs AFB, Texas.
97th Bombardment Wing.

Four men.

34lst Bombardment Squadron.

One man.

The 97th Bombardment Wing provided the three B-50 aircraft

and crews

for Project 6.1, Test of Indirect Bomb Damage Assessment (IBDA) Procedures.

These aircraft were based on Guam, flying to Enewetf&ik for 2 or

3 days before each test and returning to Guam afterward.
personnel were brought in with the aircraft.

ound crew

The few badgeB


may have been for the flight crews, who may have been involfed in
crater photography.

Carswell AFB, Texas.
7th Bombardment Wing, 9th Bombardment Squadron.

7th Bombardment Wing, 436th Bombardment Squadron.
llth Bombardment Wing.
Unidentified Unit.

Ten me.

Eighfeen men.

One man.

Eighteen men.

Personnel from this Strategic Air Command

(SAC) Base operat@d as a por-

tion of the SAC Detachment of the Test Aircraft Unit (TAU)

qf TG 7.4.

The 7th Bombardment Wing personnel operated B-36 cloud-sampJer and
sampler-control aircraft, and their records reflect these high exposure activities.

The llth Bombardment Wing officer was assdciated

with Project 6.2a as the aircraft commander of the B-36 thatj

was ex-

posed to blast and thermal loading in flight during all the



His exposure was low.

This unidentified group may

an ele-

ment of the llth Bombardment Wing.



Select target paragraph3