No attempts to decontaminate the ship occurred en route t

low to cause concern.

The ship arrived at Pearl Harbor on 7

was placed under restricted availability on 9 March.

On 22 March the

decontaminate the ship.
The crew was not badged; however, exposure limits have be

(References 85 and 86), based upon the 0.010-R/hr


readings of the radiation aboard ship upon its arrival at Pea


The highest estimate was 18 R and the lowest was 3.3

Stationed at Kwajalein.

As part of TU 32.6.4, it assistfd in an

SAR mission between 1 and 3 March for an RAF Canberra bomber.
BRAVO was conducted during this period; the ship was well south

of any



Stationed at Kwajalein.

As part of TU 32.6.4, it assiste¢d in

an SAR mission between 27 February and 3 March for the RAF Canlerra

The ship was well south of any fallout when shot BRAVG

fired 1 March.
USS Silverstein (DE-534).

Temporarily assigned by CINCPAC to Kwaj

As part of TU 32.6.4, it assisted in an SAR mission between 2
3 March for the RAF Canberra bomber in area southwest of Kwaja
The ship was well south of the fallout area when shot BRAVO wa
nated on 1 March.

USS Unadilla


Commander, Service Forces, Pacific Fleet c

The Unadilla operated out of Pearl Harbor to resupply Kw

It visited Kwajalein on 8 and 9 April and encountered no radiat
left in company with the Gypsy for Pearl Harbor on 9 April.

Nineteen officers and men of this transport squadron appear

Consolidated List, although their mission has not been ascertai
They may have flown logistic support missions into Enewetak or



Select target paragraph3