projected additional exposure would have raised their total th over 15 R;
these men did not return aboard the YAG.

Task Unit 7.3.7 (Bikini Harbor Unit)
The USS Belle Grove, as Task Element, and the Bikini Boat Pool,

as Task Element, made up the Bikini Harbor Unit.
Pool operated 15 LCMs,

-1225, and -1348},

5 LCUs with permanent crews

TheJBikini Boat




2 LCPRs, an LCPL, a 28-foot motor whale bodt (MWB), an

Air Force crash boat


and a covered barge,




served as a dispatching facility and spare parts store for bo
ations between shots.

pool oper-

Together with the H&N Boat Pool, the N

Boat Pool

provided interisland and ship-to-shore transportation to the jpint task

force at Bikini.

The Belle Grove also transported shot devicek

from Ene-

wetak to Bikini as the Special Devices Transport Element,, of
TU 7.3.9,

the Transport Unit.

During evacuations for Bikini shots, the Belle Grove took
LCMs and the AVR into its well deck.

Remaining craft, includi

LCUs, were moored in the lagoon in the lee of Eneu Island.

tug towed YFN-934 to sea.

e 15 Navy


Both Navy and H&N personnel, along

radsafe advisor, went aboard the Belle Grove, which was one of

the five

Utility Unit

with a TG 7.1
Fhe last

ships to leave the lagoon and one of the first to reenter during

shot op-

erations, allowing critical construction and recovery operationg

to pro-

ceed with the least possible interruption.

The Belle Grove's ag@tivity for

each shot is described in Table 78.
After reentry following a shot, the Belle Grove put both bodt pools

into operation as soon as the lagoon was declared safe for boating.

At the

same time, Navy boat pool personnel, with assistance from ships’] crews,
began decontaminating the craft left behind.

These assignments

fFreated a

far greater possibility of radiological exposure than for most ofher units.

This is reflected in the waiver of MPE for boat pool crews following shot

Altogether 49 members of the boat pool and 2 crewmen from

Belle Grove received exposures over 3.9 R.


Select target paragraph3